Class Library

Class Library is a space for members of a class to share documents and resources.

To enter the Class Library, select the class you want from your list on the main page. Next, and within the Class Materials section, select the Class Library tab on the right side of the screen.

To view a document in the Class Library, select the document title from the bottom list on the screen. You can also filter them by type of document or by the profile of the person who uploaded them (Teacher or Student). It is possible to sort them by the title of the document or by the person who uploaded it.

To upload a document in the Class Library of your class, keep in mind that everything that is uploaded from this section will be shared. Press the Upload button found in the Class Library. A window will appear in which you can select the document to be uploaded.

If you want the uploaded document to be shared only with the teacher, select the first option: "Make this content private between me and the Teacher".

If you want to share with the whole class, select the option: "Make this content public for everyone in this class".

When you're done, select Upload. Once these steps have been done, the document will appear in the list on the page. All the files that the user uploads to Class Library can be managed from the section of My Uploads.

To delete a previously uploaded document or file, you can do it from the section My Uploads.

If you are Teacher or TM:

  • You will have the possibility to filter the content that was uploaded to be seen by all users or only by Teachers.
  • You can remove content uploaded by students directly from the Class Library if you decide that it is not suitable for the class.
  • You will be able to select files from the Class library to create Assigments for the students with them, keep in mind that if you associate a document with an assignment, it cannot be deleted later, even if the task has expired.