

 Teacher → Reports

Inside the Markbook, we can find a special section for visual reports (Reports). We have the following reports: 

  • Scores by average scores
  • Scores by language area
  • Test scores: Course specific test report; Diagnostic tests report; and Richmond international practice tests report.

For each of the reports it is possible to select the dates on which the report is to be generated. Once “Run report” is pressed, the report will be executed. If the reports process a large amount of information, a message will be displayed on the screen indicating the progress of the process. Meanwhile, the user can continue browsing the page and come back later when the report is generated: 

All these reports have the option to download by pressing the button “Download Report”:

  • Excel Report: complete report with all the results obtained by each user in all the exercises included in the active products in the class.
  • PDF report: you get a screenshot of the data that is currently being displayed.

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