Test Scores Report

  Teacher → Reports → Test Score Report

Inside Test scores, we can select 3 different options:

  • Course specific test: shows you the average grades of the tests done by the entire class along the course. In addition, the grades of the language area will be shown.

  • Diagnostic tests report: the teacher will be able to see the average grades of the students in the class, both of the entrance diagnostic examen and exit level exam.

The report shows the following information:

    • Level of the Class measured by the Common European Frame of Reference.
    • Results obtained on each one of the skills evaluated on the test.

On the table located on the bottom side you will also be able to see the level obtained by each student after completing the tests and can be compared with the global results.

  • Richmond international practice tests report: you will be able to see the average grades (general and by area of language) of the MOCK Tests that the students complete during the course. The results will show the different skills evaluated on each test. With the table on the bottom, the global results can compared with the individual student results and with each one of the tests included in the report.