Diagnostic and Final Tests

  Teacher → Test Management → Diagnostic and Final Tests

You can manage this tests in the same way you manage the usual tests. 

  • Diagnostic Test: this kind of test helps you messure the english level of your students at the beginning of the course within the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). The test is structrured by 5 exercises with 5 activities each one. Teachers must create a Test Assignment including ALL the exercises for a complete exam.

In every class you will see the Diagnostic and Exit tests related to the Class Grade Level, as we explained before. If any class doesn't have it's own Grade Level, the Diagnostic and Exit tests will not be accesibles. It's important for you to check in the section User Teacher/Class creation on the left menu of this webpage, to see how you can assign the Grade and a Class Grade Level.

There are two Diagnostic and Exit Test per level, so the teacher can choose wich one to assign to the students.

  • Exit Test: this test gives you information related to the mastery level obtained by the students according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) at the end of the course. this test can be set in the same way as the Diagnostic Test.

The results will be shown on the Markbook, as we will explain in the next topic.

IMPORTANT: It's important to notice that the same students will not be able to answer this kind of tests more than once in the same course.