Validar CPF / CNPJ

Validar CPF / CNPJ

Ejemplos proporcionados en TypeScript

import { IValidator } from "../interfaces/validator"; export class CpfValidator implements IValidator { private BLACKLIST: Array<string> = [ '00000000000', '11111111111', '22222222222', '33333333333', '44444444444', '55555555555', '66666666666', '77777777777', '88888888888', '99999999999', '12345678909' ] private LOOSE_STRIP_REGEX: RegExp = /[^\d]/g; valid(arg: string): boolean { const stripped: string = this.strip(arg); // CPF must be defined if (!stripped) { return false } // CPF must have 11 chars if (stripped.length !== 11) { return false } // CPF can't be blacklisted if (this.BLACKLIST.includes(stripped)) { return false } let numbers: string = stripped.substring(0, 9); numbers += this.verifierDigit(numbers); numbers += this.verifierDigit(numbers); return numbers.substring(-2) === stripped.substring(-2); } private strip = (number: string): string => { const regex: RegExp = this.LOOSE_STRIP_REGEX; return (number || '').replace(regex, ''); } private verifierDigit = (digits: string): number => { const numbers: Array<number> = digits .split('') .map(number => { return parseInt(number, 10) }) const modulus: number = numbers.length + 1 const multiplied: Array<number> = numbers.map((number, index) => number * (modulus - index)) const mod: number = multiplied.reduce((buffer, number) => buffer + number) % 11 return (mod < 2 ? 0 : 11 - mod) } }
import { IValidator } from "../interfaces/validator"; export class CnpjValidator implements IValidator { private BLACKLIST: Array<string> = [ '00000000000000', '11111111111111', '22222222222222', '33333333333333', '44444444444444', '55555555555555', '66666666666666', '77777777777777', '88888888888888', '99999999999999' ]; private LOOSE_STRIP_REGEX: RegExp = /[^\d]/g; valid(arg: string): boolean { const stripped: string = this.strip(arg); // CNPJ must be defined if (!stripped) { return false; } // CNPJ must have 14 chars if (stripped.length !== 14) { return false; } // CNPJ can't be blacklisted if (this.BLACKLIST.includes(stripped)) { return false; } let numbers: string = stripped.substring(0, 12); numbers += this.verifierDigit(numbers); numbers += this.verifierDigit(numbers); return numbers.substring(-2) === stripped.substring(-2); } private strip = (number: string): string => { const regex: RegExp = this.LOOSE_STRIP_REGEX; return (number || '').replace(regex, ''); } private verifierDigit = (digits: string): number => { let index: number = 2 const reverse: Array<number> = digits.split('').reduce((buffer, number) => { return [parseInt(number, 10)].concat(buffer) }, []); const sum: number = reverse.reduce((buffer, number) => { buffer += number * index; index = (index === 9 ? 2 : index + 1); return buffer; }, 0) const mod: number = sum % 11; return (mod < 2 ? 0 : 11 - mod); } }
export interface IValidator { valid(arg?: any): boolean; }


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