Import Teachers

Import Teachers

 Training Manager → User's Management → Import Teachers

The platform allows us to add lists of users instead of one by one. To import a bulk of teachers, we'll use the option “Import Users > Import Teachers”.

We'll find a menu like this:

We must to upload a CSV file containing the user's list we want to upload. We can download an example clicking on “Download teachers CSV Template”.

Some considerations are:

  • The CSV file must to be opened and edited using Microsoft Excel or a plain text editor.
  • The different values must to be separated by commas (“,”)
  • The file must be in UTF-8 format.

The fields into the CSV file are:

  • Last name (required).
  • First name (required).
  • Class (optional): Including the class or classes. If you are adding the teachers in one class only, the class name goes in quotation marks (Example; "English B1"). If you are adding a teacher in more than one class, the class names goes in quotation marks and separated by commas (Example; ""English B1,English B1+"".
  • Email (required).

CSV examples:

Yeo,Andrew,”English 3A”,andy.yeo@email.com

Hernández,Ana,””Inglés 3B,Inglés 4A,Inglés 4B””,ana.hernandez@email.com

When you import the CSV file, a message will give you information about the import status and you'll receive a new message and a mail when the process is over.

If the import process has any issues, the message will let you know the specific line that failed and why. If there is no issue, you can verify the teachers in the system.

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