Teacher → Reports → Report Scores By Averages
Representa las notas promedio de la clase en cada uno de los apartados a evaluar:
- Promedio de nota en Autoestudio
- Promedio de notas en Assignments creadas por el profesor
- Promedio de notas en Test realizados en la clase
- Promedio de todos los puntos anteriores
Represents the average marks of the class in each of the sections to be evaluated:
- Average grade in Self-Study
- Average Grade in Teacher-Created Assignments
- Average of test marks taken in the class
- Average of all the above points
At the bottom of each of these new reports there is a table that shows the values obtained by each of the students. If we click on one of them, we can see the individualized graph, which can be compared with the average value obtained by the class, which appears in the upper part of the image: