Goal | Metric |
It allows for the creation of new content in the CMS. The section requests general information to carry out this action. NOTE: To avoid content duplication, it is important to create it from Author. | |
Search bar | When searching by the full title or keywords, it retrieves the searched content or all contents that include the keyword. |
All Creator Roles filter | This function allows filtering content in the CMS based on the roles of the creators who generated them. This way, users can quickly find content associated with a specific role. |
All States filter | This function allows filtering content based on its current state: <Active>, <Draft>, or <Pending>. This helps users quickly find content according to its current state. |
All Types filter | This function allows filtering content by type, such as videos, scorms, images, documents, and more. This helps users quickly find content based on its format. |
All Courses filter | This function allows filtering content based on the course they are associated with. This helps users quickly find materials linked to a specific course. |
Dentro de cada contenido se despliega la información correspondiente de este y contiene opciones que permite realizar ajuste en el mismoWithin each content, the corresponding information is displayed and it contains options that allow adjustments to be made.
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Goal | Metric |
PlacementsFacilita | la asignación de contenidosIt facilitates the assignment of content. |
Crear y asignar contenido a diferentes cursosCreate and assign content to different courses. | |
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