iRead Assignments Widget

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Provides the teachers with information related to how many assignments with Manual Marking activities he/she has pending to score from iRead Assignments.

 Success metrics





The widget presents the sum of all iRead Assignments only, with a Manual Marking activity in them, that are pending to be scored by the user, excluding any Class/Test assignment from the sum.

The number shown in the widget is the actual and current sum of the pending to score assignments. If a teacher scores one and returns to this widget, it should present the new sum. If the teacher assigns a new one and return to the widget, the number should remain the same until a student has submitted the assignment. If a student submits an assignment with a Manual Marking activity, the number should rise for the teacher.

The widget presents an animation effect on its dot signaling the teacher that a new Manual Marking assignment has been received.

The widget is to shown the animation each time a students submits an assignment with a Manual Marking activity in it. After the teacher has clicked the widget, the animation should stop until a new submission is received.


  • Reopened assignments are considered as well, counting as a new one.

  • An “iRead Assignment” is one made inside the iRead area, involving products that are not of type Test and belonging to iRead courses.










 User interaction and design

On click/tap, the widget is to open the Assignments Details popup, sending to it the required information to present only the iRead Assignments details.

 Out of Scope


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