- Regular Assignments box
Associated Functions
Teachers: Teacher's Regular Assignments Counter
Students: Student's Regular Assignments Counter - Test Assignments box
Associated Functions
Teachers: Teacher's Test Assignments Counter
Students: Student's Test Assignments Counter - iRead Assignments box
Associated Functions
Teachers: Teacher's iRead Assignments Counter
Students: Student's iRead Assignments Counter
- Regular Assignments box
- Test Assignments box
- iRead Assignments box
Teacher's Regular Assignments CounterAnchor TeachersRegularAssignmentsCounterFunctionTRACFunctionTeachersRegularAssignmentsCounterFunction TRACFunction
The system shall present , in the Regular Assignments box, the sum of all assignments Regular Assignments with at least one manual marking activity that the teacher has not scored yet, from all his/her classes, per student.
Teacher's Test Assignments CounterAnchor TTACFunction TTACFunction
The system shall present the sum of all Test Assignments with at least one manual marking activity that the teacher has not scored yet, from all his/her classes, per student.
Teacher's iRead Assignments CounterAnchor TIACFunction TIACFunction
The system shall present the sum of all iRead Assignments with at least one manual marking activity that the teacher has not scored yet, from all his/her classes, per student.
A teacher has 3 classes.
In class 1 he has 2 regular assignments assigned to 10 students each. In each assignment there is at leas one manual marking activity.
In class 2 he has 1 regular assignment and 1 test assignment, assigned to 10 students each. In each assignment there is at least one manual marking activity.
In class 3 he has 1 regular assignment and 1 iRead assignment, assigned to 10 students each. In the regular assignment there are no manual marking activities, but in the iRead assignment there are.
The teacher has not scored any assignment yet.
The ToDo widget shall present: "Assignments: 30", "Test assignments: 10", "iRead assignments: 10"
Student's Regular Assignments CounterAnchor SRACFunction SRACFunction
Student's Test Assignments CounterAnchor STACFunction STACFunction
Student's iRead Assignments CounterAnchor SIACFunction SIACFunction - Classes with Assignments pop-up handler