
  1. Regular Assignments box

    Associated Functions
    Teachers: Teacher's Regular Assignments Counter
    Students: Student's Regular Assignments Counter

  2. Test Assignments box

    Associated Functions
    Teachers: Teacher's Test Assignments Counter
    Students: Student's Test Assignments Counter

  3. iRead Assignments box

    Associated Functions
    Teachers: Teacher's iRead Assignments Counter
    Students: Student's iRead Assignments Counter



  1. Regular Assignments box
  2. Test Assignments box
  3. iRead Assignments box


  1. Regular Assignments box
  2. Test Assignments box
  3. iRead Assignments box






  1. Anchor
    Teacher's Regular Assignments Counter
    The system shall present the sum of all Regular Assignments with at least one manual marking activity that the teacher has not scored yet, from all his/her classes, per student.
    This is NOT a manual marking activities counter. It is not to count how many manual marking activities there are in an assignment. It shall count the assignment if and only if it has at least one manual marking activity in it, and as long as the assignment is pending of scoring.
  2. Anchor
    Teacher's Test Assignments Counter
    The system shall present the sum of all Test Assignments with at least one manual marking activity that the teacher has not scored yet, from all his/her classes, per student.
    This is NOT a manual marking activities counter. It is not to count how many manual marking activities there are in an assignment. It shall count the assignment if and only if it has at least one manual marking activity in it, and as long as the assignment is pending of scoring.
  3. Anchor
    Teacher's iRead Assignments Counter
    The system shall present the sum of all iRead Assignments with at least one manual marking activity that the teacher has not scored yet, from all his/her classes, per student.
    This is NOT a manual marking activities counter. It is not to count how many manual marking activities there are in an assignment. It shall count the assignment if and only if it has at least one manual marking activity in it, and as long as the assignment is pending of scoring.

    A teacher has 3 classes.
    In class 1  he has 2 regular assignments assigned to 10 students each. In each assignment there is at leas one manual marking activity.
    In class 2 he has 1 regular assignment and 1 test assignment, assigned to 10 students each. In each assignment there is at least one manual marking activity.
    In class 3 he has 1 regular assignment and 1 iRead assignment, assigned to 10 students each. In the regular assignment there are no manual marking activities, but in the iRead assignment there are.
    The teacher has not scored any assignment yet.
    The ToDo widget shall present: "Assignments: 30", "Test assignments: 10", "iRead assignments: 10"

    If the teacher scores a Regular assignment that has 2 manual marking activities, but left 1 unscored, the system is to not modify the sum because the activity still has a manual marking element pending.
    If the teacher then scores the 2nd manual marking activity and the assignment has no more pending scores, the system is to present "Assignments: 29"

  4. Anchor
    Student's Regular Assignments Counter
    The system shall present the sum of all not submitted/prescribed Regular Assignments, from all his/her classes, to the student.
  5. Anchor
    Student's Test Assignments Counter
    The system shall present the sum of all not submitted/prescribed Test Assignments, from all his/her classes, to the student.
  6. Anchor
    Student's iRead Assignments Counter
    The system shall present the sum of all not submitted/prescribed iRead Assignments, from all his/her classes, to the student.

    A student is in 3 classes.
    In class 1 he has 5 regular assignments, 3 with manual markings.
    In class 2 he has 1 regular assignments and 2 test assignments.
    In class 3 he has 1 test assignment with manual marking activities and 3 iRead assignments.
    The student has not submitted any assignment of any kind yet.
    The ToDo widget shall present: "Assignments: 6", "Test Assignments: 3", "iRead Assignments: 3"

    The student submits 3 activities of a regular assignment but not the assignment itself because there are another 2 activities not answered.
    The system is not to change the ToDo widget because the whole assignment is not submitted.
    The student then finishes the 2 pending activities from that assignment and submits it.
    The ToDo widget shall present: "Assignments: 5", "Test Assignments: 3", "iRead Assignments: 3"

  7. Anchor
    Classes with Assignments pop-up handler

    The system shall receive the type of assignment to show and the pairs of classidclassCode:sumOfAssignments, so it can query the classes information and present the sum in the popup without launching another query for it to the DB system.
    The information to be retrieved from each classid classCode is:
    • Class name
    • Class level
    • Class alias
    • number of students



On click, the ToDo widget is to open the Classes with Assignments pop-up, passing the information to its handler which, based on the user's role, shall render the detailed information.


  • Classes with Assignments pop-up