Teacher → Test Management → Tests creation

RLP Platform has the option to create Tests the students will be completing in a specific date. To create a test, you need to log in as Teacher in the RLP Platform, select the activities you want to integrate, and click on the starting and ending dates for the test.

Within a class, if you have an active tests product, you could see an the option titled as TEST MANAGER. These TESTS are not accesible as a studentfor students, because this product has the complete Test's questions data base. The students will access just to the Test assigned by the Teacher.

This option allows you to create Tests for the students by selecting the activities you choose y click on and by clicking ASSIGN SELECTED CONTENT link.

A menu will appear, there you could select the test begining and end dates and the students who will be answering it.

El profesor podrá ver el estado del examen (cuántas personas lo han realizado, etc.) en el menú The teacher could see the test status (how many students finished the test, etc) o the menu Assignments/Test Assignments.

El alumno verá su examen en The student will see his own test by clicking Assignments/Test Assignments, (además de recibir una notificaciónthe students receive also a notification):

Si abre el examen podrá ver el estatus, los ejercicios a realizar, la fecha de finalizaciónIf the student opens the notification will be able to see the test status, the activities to complete, the due date, etc.: